Sunday, October 30, 2011

Goats and kittens

I love our little farm. We recently added three new members to our family, all within the past week actually, and while I was nervous at first it has actually been a lot of fun.

Our new additions include two squirrelly kittens and a sweet tempered goat. The kittens are sisters and have been a huge comfort to my three year old son, Lincoln, who broke his collar bone a week before. He has suffered a lot of hurt from the fracture, but he won’t take medicine so it’s been a painful healing process.

Thankfully he is feeling much better now, but at the time he was acting out with lots of tantrums and a constant attitude. We really had to reign in our parenting, and stayed home a lot so that we could at least give him the comforts of a steady home environment. The doctors said it would take a couple of months for him to be somewhat healed up, and six months for him to be back to a hundred percent. Right now we are about at the two month mark and thank God he is finally back to his spunky self.

Our other new member of the family is a very kind goat that we have named Blue, courtesy of Lincoln. Blue was given to us by my uncle and aunt who own a larger farm where they raise goats on a regular basis. My father-in-law gave us our original goat, Dandy, when we first moved to our farmhouse so the kids would have an animal to play with, but he has always been lonely. I have been on a mission to find him a friend, and finally my aunt was able to get us a friendly wether, who has been a great match-up with our billy. Both of our kids love to help feed the goats and watch them run and play. Having animals is a lot of work, but it definitely helps teach children (and adults for that matter) responsibility and how to care for God's creation.