Monday, July 7, 2014

My birthday


Happy birthday to me : ) I am now 32! Life has never been better. I am so thankful to have my quiver full with three sweet children and a man beside me who is the love of my life. It's been a crazy few days but that seems to be how it goes around here. Zaidey is starting to crawl (4 months and two weeks we noticed the start of it, and now at five months she is all out crawling-pulling herself on her belly with one arm and pushing with her feet).  Trinity started having "accidents" in bed so she is back to wearing a diaper at night-hopefully this only lasts a week or so! She peed on the top step upstairs by her room a couple nights ago because she couldn't make it to the bathroom in time, and then went back to bed. That was not a pleasant surprise to step into the next morning! But I know she can't help it. And then my oldest, Lincoln, broke a HUGE crock that I absolutely loved. I used it in the living room to hold blankets, which is how he knocked it over. He tried to pull a blanket out and ended up pulling the crock over. Momma was not too happy about it. I really want to cherish these years with the kids but it seems like such a roller coaster ride at times. There are such good days, and then there are VERY stressful days. Days where we laugh and play, and then days where they are about to send me to the nut house. Please, God, help me to cherish the time I have, and help me to be more patient. I love my children and husband so much-help me to show them that love even when I am angry. Help me to be an agent of joy in my home. Amen!