Saturday, May 24, 2014

Lincoln at five and a half

 My oldest, Lincoln I am so proud of you. Already I can see that you are going to be a great man. You care for your sisters with all your heart and have genuine concern for others. You are very strong and determined, and use your vivid imagination to get all the bad guys. Even though you are strong you would rather sleep in our bed at night, and one of your favorite things to do is play on the computer with your dad. You love the color green and the Hobbit movies, and most of all Jesus. I love you.

Trinity at three almost four years old

Trinity, my second oldest, you are my sweetheart. You always help when I need you and you always have a laugh to share. You love to eat cookies, and play quiet with your dolls. Purple and pink are your favorite colors, you love to tell stories and use funny words, and you seem to love being an artist already. You love your baby sister, and even when you're in trouble have a smile on your face. I love you.

The many faces of sisterhood

My first Etsy listings

Take a minute and check them out!