Monday, February 18, 2013

A trip to the dentist

We took our kids to the dentist for the first time last week, and I was very nervous because both our children are really shy. Lincoln, who is four years old, went first, and although reluctant, he did great. He was brave to be honest. He went into a situation he had never experienced, allowed someone to work closely on him whom he had never previously met, and came out of it with a smile! I was a proud mama. He did unfortunately have a small cavity just starting to form, so the next time we are in they will probably need to do something about it. But according to the technician it should be no big deal!

Trinity was next, but she would have nothing to do with any of it. At the ripe old age of two she is very set in her ways and determined that no one should touch her unless invited. And there were certainly no invitations being dealt out today. The only reason I took her to the appointment with her brother was because I noticed a couple spots on her teeth that worried me. (Yes, probably more cavities are in our future. I swear, I brush these kids' teeth religiously!) Thankfully, the dentist did not seem concerned, and said we would just check her out next time. As long as her teeth did not seem to bother her, most likely for her age it has not had time to develop into anything serious.

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